PBL Unit 1 / Week 0
- Monday: Make the plans for the week. Brainstorm some ideas for project.
- Tuesday: We talked a little more about what the goal in our project. We started to work on the development side of things and focused on setting up the files. Chat GPT was a key part in this process as it helped us lay out what we had for that days plans. We learnt some basic commands and studied things in HTML and learnt the basics of Javascript and during class built small projects with our new skills.
- Wednsday: We continued to work on our skills and finally applied it to the actual project. We showcased our skills are built the basic frontend throughout the entire period by talking and gathering information from Chat-GPT. We are exicited to move one.
- Thursday: We finished our project and made sure all the requirements will be met. We will continue to personalize our page and notebooks more, and make any refinements that are necessary. After reviewing the rubric, we will ensure our project is more than what’s expected. We will also develop a script for our presentation tmw, and start practicing.
- Friday: Today we will have the 5 point live review that checks us for all the progress we’ve made this week on our project that meets all the requirements. In class today we will make refinements and practice our script before delivering our presentation. After our presentation, we will start focusing on next week’s live review, and start making presentiations.