Summary of JavaScript Concepts

  • JavaScript can be included in HTML or Jupyter cells using <script></script> tags.
  • The output of JavaScript code, such as console.log statements, can be viewed in the browser’s console.
  • Developers can activate the console through various methods depending on their environment (e.g., VSCode, browsers).

Referencing HTML Elements Using JavaScript

  • To access an HTML element, use document.getElementById("idTag"), where the ID corresponds to the HTML element’s ID attribute.
  • The retrieved HTML element is stored in a JavaScript variable, allowing developers to manipulate it.

Getting Data Within HTML Elements

  • To access the content within an HTML element, use the .innerHTML property of the JavaScript variable representing that element.
  • This property allows developers to retrieve and display the content of an HTML element.

Setting Data Within HTML Elements

  • The .innerHTML property can be used to set the content of an HTML element, effectively changing its text or inner HTML.

Creating HTML Elements Dynamically

  • Developers can create new HTML elements using the document.createElement function, specifying the type of element to create.
  • These dynamically created elements can be manipulated and added to the HTML page using JavaScript.

Functions in JavaScript with DOM

  • Functions in JavaScript allow developers to encapsulate code into reusable blocks, enhancing code organization and maintainability.
  • Functions can accept parameters as input and return values as output.
  • JavaScript functions can be used in conjunction with the Document Object Model (DOM) to interact with HTML elements.

OnClick Event

  • The onclick event allows developers to specify a function to run when a particular HTML element (e.g., a button) is clicked.
  • This event handler can be used to trigger actions based on user interactions.

Summary of HTML Concepts

  • HTML is a markup language used to structure the content of web pages.
  • It uses tags to define elements, with opening and closing tags wrapping content (e.g., <tagname>content</tagname>).
  • HTML elements can have attributes, which provide additional information and usually come in name/value pairs (e.g., attribute_name="attribute_value").
  • Common HTML tags include headings (<h1>, <h2>), paragraphs (<p>), links (<a>), and formatting tags (<strong>, <em>).
  • HTML elements can be grouped together using the <div> tag.
  • Developers can reference HTML elements in JavaScript using document.getElementById("idTag").
  • The .innerHTML property allows access to the content within an HTML element.
  • JavaScript can dynamically create HTML elements and add them to the page.
  • Functions in JavaScript can be used to encapsulate code for reuse.
  • The onclick event allows developers to trigger functions when certain HTML elements are clicked.